A place where others can write testimonials and share stories about what a certain quote has done for them or other conversations it has sparked.
This isn’t solely about me, it’s about us. I thank you all for being a part of this.
Over the last 8 years there’s only a single email subscription I’ve stayed on thru various platforms that I read twice a week...the MML. — JS
This publication is more important now than ever. It’s always been, but like so much else, we have been awakened. Keep on doin’ you, brother. We need you in this world. I’m so grateful. — JK
I sincerely look forward to the MML every Monday & Friday. I know there’s an incredibly thoughtfully curated email waiting for me in my inbox. I’m always uplifted, inspired, and challenged after making it through. Very grateful for the MML tribe and your work – so many lives have been touched! — IL
The MML is that piece that hits your inbox and helps you find the words you wanted to hear and better yet, forces you to read the words you needed to hear in your own voice. — SC
From elementary school to high school, my dad would share a quote of the day through my lunchbox and advanced into the form of email with inspiration to jumpstart my day, orient myself to what is important and establish an intention for being better every day. MML has served as that perfect bookend to every work week where I am able to ground myself in reflection and am offered a series of motivational prompts to be the best version of myself from the beginning to the end of the week. I look forward to that form of enlightenment and am so grateful to have found an excellently curated source of it on a bi-weekly basis. — AT
I’ve always navigated towards words that speak with the voice of love that benefit my spirit. I’d been collecting quotes from the back of the labels from the Honest drink which I’ve placed at arms reach in my desk drawer only to be accessed when my spirit needs to be uplifted. So, here comes the MML whose words motivate, guide, teach and touch my spirit. You’ve gathered quotes, whether dressed in black and white or the companion of musical instruments, that should make the blind see and the deaf hear. Thank you for taking the time to nourish MY spirit with a savory meal accompanied with the bitter broccoli rabe of words. Thank you for the priceless time you’ve spared for me, for us. The Universe smiles with you. Abundant blessings! — DF
Your MML quotes have been an inspiration to me, I look forward to them every week. I find comfort, truth and confirmation in them—please keep writing, I will keep reading. Thanks for the time you put into your work, to get this out to us, twice a week. God bless you always, keep up the good work. — PH
This is soul food, at its best. No pretentious, highfalutin, overblown ideas presented at this table; only truth in sincerest form. It is amazing how scrolling through a carefully curated collection of quotes can 'move mountains' in one's soul. If you're like me and need a regular reminder about the sanctity of your heart and mind, this aggregation of inspiration is the best addition to any diet. I have so much gratitude to Sean for bringing forth this gift of love that bookends my week. — DM
The MML has been an instrumental part of the start, and the end to my week. It's hard to keep your perspective on the world around you from day-to-day, and the quotes, stories and lessons in the Lift remind me to do that. It's part of my routine on Monday morning to think about living with intention throughout the week, and reminds me to keep building upon the positives from that week throughout the weekend. The MML allows me to take a break, and at the same time challenges me to get better. — PW
The MML is always there to ‘pick me up’, motivate me, open my eyes, and shine a light on the reality of the world that for whatever reason is lost on our instant gratification/photoshopped society. Whether it be during long days/weeks at work and questioning if it is worth it to put in the grind, or during a difficult job search process, or just taking in the craziness of society at any given time, the MML has always been there with the perfect quote, saying or realization that picks me up, brightens my day or motivates me to keep going. The MML is a great bi-weekly read that helps all aspects of my life in continuing on the right path. — SH
The beauty of the MML is that you never know which quotes will resonate with you. It’s an introspective experience, as certain quotes will hit you in ways you never would have imagined, illuminating aspects of your mind/experiences/biases that you may never have recognized. Each email becomes a journey into yourself if you’re willing to let the words hit you. —NP
The MML is my most read piece of online literature, and for good reason. Thoughtfully curated striking the balance of succinctness while still being thought provoking, the MML is a welcomed respite amongst the usual barrage of online noise. —TH
The initials at the top of each newsletter are yours!
They are the initials of people that have shared quotes.